Worship SpaceWe are a community that worships together—especially on Sundays—using the deep and time-tested patterns of prayer and action that have shaped and nourished the followers of Jesus for two thousand years.
The worship space and the order of service help remind us that our Sunday gathering is for us, but it's not about us. The liturgy—the readings, sermon, prayers, and responses in the service—draws heavily on the Bible. At various times we are asked to stand, sit, and kneel. All are invited to participate where each can. Pray along as you learn the patterns and responses. Ordered worship is a “space,” a structure, for us to live in, to use and decorate and enjoy and make our own—like a spacious house. As we focus our attention on God, we are refreshed and equipped to go out to work and play, to care and serve. And to welcome others in. Each week's service follows a similar pattern, but the prayers and readings shift with the seasons. Sometimes you may feel a spiritual connection. Sometimes you may not. Sometimes the beauty of a phrase opens a window into reality or relationship. Sometimes it feels all routine. Sometimes you do the praying; sometimes others pray for you. Jesus is present either way. Common prayer is designed to be sustainable. It is a way we learn to order our lives around Jesus and explore and experience the boundless life he opens to us. Each week we focus our attention on what is important to us. We remind each other of God’s true story and our place in it. We thank God for what he has done and is doing for us, for the life that he is opening. We receive strength from God in Communion. We build a community together and find ourselves joined with those who follow Jesus across time and the world. |
Kid Space, Kid’s Pace
We make space for childhood. The Kid Space at Messiah helps kids encounter Jesus and find their place in community at a kid's pace.
We invite each child to engage in meaningful work on the joyful journey of relating to God. This takes place in various ways. The primary structured encounter for children ages 3–12 is through Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a proven child-centered program in the Montessori style. Catechesis is currently held during the main worship service. Soon after the opening song, the children gather up front to be prayed for. They then go to Catechesis and return together before Communion. (Children are welcome to remain in the service if desired) Our staff and Catechesis volunteers are MinistrySafe certified and focused on the safety and physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of each child. Child-Centered Approach
Enjoying God. Small children already know God even though they may not know his name. Each child has great spiritual potential, and the adults’ role is to be a servant to them and help them in age-appropriate contemplation and enjoyment of God's good gifts.
Exploring God's Word and the world. Adults do not teach; this is not Sunday School in the traditional sense. We sit with the child, listen to the Word of God together, and ask questions together. We explore the history of the kingdom of God, the gifts God has given us, the peoples involved, and the golden thread that connects this history with our common life and worship today. Encountering more. Kid Space encounters also help children understand what they see in the service. They learn the colors and seasons, the gestures and prayers, and the church’s significant moments and actions. Expressing more. Themes are revisited and reinforced as the child grows. Children learn to express what they are pondering, their joy, and their emerging conclusions through artwork, writing, and physical activities. |
Lingering Spaces
A meal is served after worship services on Sundays. Gathering over food is an ancient way to make space for community while caring for physical needs.
You are welcome at our table. We want to spend time with you and to hear your stories. We also offer home groups for ongoing fellowship and discipleship. The Philadelphia group is currently meeting on Saturday evenings for dinner, a Bible or book discussion time, and Compline prayer. Child care is provided. |