Messiah Anglican ChurchWe are here to make spaces where people can encounter more about Jesus and the good life he offers.
We do this because people in regular encounters with Jesus will want more from life—starting now. As we learn to follow Jesus as Lord, we discover how to enjoy life, together, and are empowered to work and live in a way that invites others to do the same. |
make spacesAt Messiah, we hope you find the spaces you need to encounter God and others. We think of spaces as both places and times, as well as habits and practices that can help you stretch and grow.
We try not to be too efficient. Life takes time. Human beings need space to linger with God. Space to linger with friends and neighbors. Space for silence and beauty. Space to share. Space to breathe. Space for grieving and celebrating. Space for wonder and for discovery. Space for childhood. Space for living. Sometimes you need spaces that help you hold back the distractions and worries, that help you find margin and rest, that let you focus on what is most important. Sustainable spaces can lead to thicker community, and a faith that’s sturdy enough to hold up not just in ordinary times but in times of crisis and celebration — sturdy enough to get you out of bed in the morning and to support both the pursuit of justice and the sheer enjoyment of creation. |
more about JesusWhen Jesus came, people were surprised. The Messiah had long been predicted, but they weren't ready for Jesus. The very first people to start following Jesus recognized something different about him. They wanted more, but following was a challenge. As they spent time with him, he kept stretching their understanding of reality.
Today, lots of us feel like we know who Jesus is and what he taught. But when we look beyond the familiar name, Jesus is still a surprise. And still a challenge. The life Jesus offers us still stretches our imagination. Jesus likes people who don’t even much like themselves. He likes people who are outsiders. He likes people who have run out of options. He even likes people who think they have it all together. Like the first disciples, we have encountered Jesus in a small way. We have found in him something true and powerful. Jesus has promised us that there's much more to come, and he has given us a path to follow. |
We want to spend time with Jesus to find out more, and we invite you to join us too.
Our People
Fr. Bo Ubbens
Rev. Arica Demme
Lay LeadershipMessiah Anglican Church is led by a board called a Vestry. The Rector leads the Vestry. The lay members are:
Diocesan LeadershipOur bishop is the Rt. Rev. Julian Dobbs, and Messiah Anglican Church is a member of the Diocese of the Living Word in the Anglican Church in North America.
Our History and Connections
The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ). —John 1:41
Messiah Anglican Church began in 2011 when a group of people gathered to form a congregation in southeastern Pennsylvania with the new Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). The parish was chartered as Christ Church Anglican on the Main Line under the Missionary Diocese of CANA East. Weekly services began in the afternoons in rented space in Wayne, PA in November 2012.
In 2018 the parish leadership discerned a call to become a neighborhood church and, after some searching, discovered an opportunity to partner with the Reformed Episcopal Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic, which is also part of ACNA. The building of the former R.E. Church of the Messiah had just become available in Germantown, offering a dedicated worship and outreach space along with the opportunity to serve the community alongside an established Anglican congregation nearby, Church of the Atonement. The Christ Church congregation adopted the Messiah name to honor the former congregation and to show our desire to be a continuing part of the life of the neighborhood. We held our first service in Germantown on November 4, 2018.
Messiah Anglican Church began in 2011 when a group of people gathered to form a congregation in southeastern Pennsylvania with the new Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). The parish was chartered as Christ Church Anglican on the Main Line under the Missionary Diocese of CANA East. Weekly services began in the afternoons in rented space in Wayne, PA in November 2012.
In 2018 the parish leadership discerned a call to become a neighborhood church and, after some searching, discovered an opportunity to partner with the Reformed Episcopal Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic, which is also part of ACNA. The building of the former R.E. Church of the Messiah had just become available in Germantown, offering a dedicated worship and outreach space along with the opportunity to serve the community alongside an established Anglican congregation nearby, Church of the Atonement. The Christ Church congregation adopted the Messiah name to honor the former congregation and to show our desire to be a continuing part of the life of the neighborhood. We held our first service in Germantown on November 4, 2018.